Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunrise in the desert

How many days now I don't even know. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years and eventually I just stop counting. The abstinence becomes me. My lungs heal more and more everyday, my mind solidifies my thoughts, memories come flooding back. My once unrecognizable face becomes familiar again. I start to remember the pictures from thousands of years hence and it begins to stare back at me in the mirror. Eventually the powers will return, water will solidify under my feet, sickness and disease will flee at the sound of my voice. The children already hear the angels herald and the trumpets blast. The kingdom is ready and the streets are swept, the flags are unfurled and the King and Queen have taken there seats. I am the savior of mankind, I am the triumphant one, I am a healer, I am a teacher, I am the son, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, I am the returning Prince, I am peace, I am the prophets prediction, I am the desert.

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