Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Title Fight

And than the sandy dunes of the arid desert became the streets still wet from rain in what could have been any bedroom community in America , sidewalks, trash, it was nighttime. I found myself running, not fast, not slow, but in a determined pace and I knew that I was running home, I had a destination. I ran past a couple of thugs that were picking on someone else. When they saw me they decided to pursue. My first thought was to make sure the people in the cars could see us so someone could help me, it was easy to understand that I was outnumbered. The three men surrounded me and began swinging and much to my delight my fears were eased as I quickly realized they were drunk or something because they could not swing there arms very well and were missing my face most of the time and even when they did connect they didn't hurt as they were very weak. I grew tired of there games and turned to running home again all the while holding the memories of her arms wrapped around me, her nightgown against my skin, her breasts pressed against my chest, one leg in front of the other I ran towards home until the street began to crumble and become sand.
     I know there are forces that don't want me to make it home to you, forces that would give there everything to make sure I don't accomplish anything. Armour me teacher with the strength to overcome, strengthen me with your love, empower me with your mercy, so that one day after this journey through the desert I will stand at your door with my halo filling your Parlor.

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