Monday, September 10, 2018

                                                               Be your own master!

     Its been one month in the desert wondering, learning, growing, moving forward. The hot wind was hitting me in the face while and I was squinting my eyes. I was no longer struggling but instead just putting one foot in front of the other, all the while surprised by the wonders being presented along the way like vignettes and mirages from the masters. Than I heard his voice and a great city, a dirty one, busy with many others arose from all around me. People were moving quickly about and settling into theaters where there own life was being played in front of them. Others were working in crews building and repairing new stairs and alleys. I heard his voice again and watched him disappear as he moved away, I felt like he wanted me to follow him but yet again he would disappear. Finally I caught up with him and he said quick heartfelt " I QUIT"
"You Quit?"
"I Quit? "
"What am I to do sir?"
"Be your own Master you can do this

      He gave me his apron and than quickly disappeared. I checked the pockets and found a diamond ring and a tool for removing the diamonds encrusted in the gold. A handful had already been taken out and I poured them out into my cupped hand. The walls of the dirty city melted away and I was walking in the desert once again one foot before the other.

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